003-Multiflower honey

003-Multiflower honey

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5.8 $



As a nutritious food and medicine, honey contains 200 compounds including phenolics, natural antibiotics, natural carbohydrates, antioxidants, amino acids, organic acids and enzymes which have an inhibitory effect to around 60 species of bacteria, some types of viruses and fungi.

The key to enjoy its benefits is to ensure that it is natural and genuine, otherwise it would not only have no health benefits but also causes problems in some cases. The purity is detected through amylase, poly-phenol, antibiotic, fructose-glucose ratio testing.
Having performed several experiments on various types of honey, RedRuby International Co supplied the genuine organic honey of grade A, with guaranteed purity.

Multiflower honey is a natural honey made from the nectar of various flowers including those of coriander, dill, milk vetch, acacia, bitter orange, forest trees and shrubs, common sage, wild plants, sea holly, jujube, thyme, almond and eucalyptus.

– Antacid
-Anti swelling and infections in the intestines
– Laxative
-Vaginal disinfectant
– Disinfectant for gastrointestinal tract
-Nerve tonic
– Anti-cough, anti-asthma, anti-peptic ulcer
-Remedy for kidney and bladder stones
– Remedy for insomnia and anorexia


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