As a nutritious food and medicine, honey contains 200 compounds including phenolics, natural antibiotics, natural carbohydrates, antioxidants, amino acids, organic acids and enzymes which have an inhibitory effect to around 60 species of bacteria, some types of viruses and fungi.
The key to enjoy its benefits is to ensure that it is natural and genuine, otherwise it would not only have no health benefits but also causes problems in some cases. The purity is detected through amylase, poly-phenol, antibiotic, fructose-glucose ratio testing.
Having performed several experiments on various types of honey, RedRuby International Co supplied the genuine organic honey of grade A, with guaranteed purity.
Today, in order to improve community health, the consumption of natural, organic, non-synthetic products has been highly recommended on individual’s diet due to their health benefits and lack of side effects.
Accordingly, RedRuby International Co. has managed to develop “Elixir Plus” as a natural unique food supplement enriched with active ingredients of saffron and natural honey for the first time in the world.
This food supplement contains essential natural components such as; antioxidants, proteins, Crocin, natural carbohydrates, poly-phenolics, vitamins and minerals.
All ingredients are of grade A and Non-GMO as evidenced by the physicochemical, microbial, nutritional tests, stability tests and clinical trials results. The expected shelf life of this natural supplement is 24 months without any changes appeared in active ingredients.
According to the results obtained from European and American standard tests, Redruby Norway claims that this natural supplement has no further side effects and will improve hormonal levels and biochemical factors. By incorporating this natural supplement daily in a diet, you will enjoy the following benefits;
• Improving sexual health and performance by neutralizing the effect of free radicals and due to the high amount of Crocin
• Increasing energy levels due to the natural carbohydrates and vitamins
• Increasing physical strength as it contains phenolic acids, flavonoids, minerals and enzymes
• Increasing mental ability and protective effects against Alzheimer’s disease due to the antioxidant effect of Crocin saffron and the absence of amyloid fibers and inhibition of the activity of Acetylcholinesterase enzyme
• Reducing stress and anxiety by increasing levels of dopamine and glutamate in the brain
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