Pistachio is very important because of its nutrients that include carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats and dietary fiber, minerals such as potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, copper and sodium and vitamins including vitamins C, K, A and B6. Pistachio kernels are hematopoietic due to their iron content, and people with anemia should eat some pistachio nuts daily. Eating pistachios can boost male sex-drive, is useful for relieving coughs, relaxing the heart and the nerves, relieving obstruction of hepatic ducts and improving stomach and brain functions and memory.
Iran is one of the largest pistachio producers in the world and has been able to become one of the centers of export hubs due to the high quality and wide variety of pistachios produced in this country. There is great diversity among pistachio cultivars but four of them are known more than the others and are available in the market (It is noteworthy that the RedRuby International Co offers pistachio cultivars of the highest quality to its customers):
The pistachios are rectangular (almond) in shape, a high percentage of the shells split naturally before harvest, nut surface color is purple and the the shell is very light-colored. The pistachios are larger and more elongated than the hazelnut pistachio cultivar and have an excellent taste (they are the tastiest pistachios in Iran). The nuts are elongated. There are 20-22, 22-24, 24-26, 26-28 or 28-30 pistachios per ounce.
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